Useful, Efficient and Quiet: Southern Boating Reviews Horizon Powercats’ New Power Management System

Useful, Efficient and Quiet: Southern Boating Reviews Horizon Powercats’ New Power Management System

Horizon Powercats implements an inventive power management package.

Richard Ford, founder and CEO of The Powercat Company focusing on the Horizon Power Catamaran line, was proud to tell guests aboard the PC60 and PC68 yachts at the 2024 Palm Beach International Boat Show about the company’s new lifestyle concept: Silent Living. It didn’t have anything to do with whispering but everything to do with Horizon Powercats power management system.

“We were doing an orientation with a new owner over in Bimini,” tells Ford. “Every time I drove my dinghy up to their boat, the owners couldn’t stop saying, ‘We’re sitting here and there’s no generator,’ yet the air conditioning was on. They were so excited about that, about the quiet.”

The “quiet” Ford speaks of is a result of an advanced lithium phosphate battery package managed by Victron Energy paired with a Termodinamica variable speed air conditioning system for minimal generator usage and maximum efficiency. The Freon-cooled air conditioning system keeps the interior cool, dry, and quiet for nearly 20 hours on battery power alone. The Victron system is basically a power grid that can monitor and control the vessel’s electrical equipment from the air conditioner to the lights to the galley to the washer/dryer to all the electronics.

The first phosphate battery system came into the Horizon PCs five years ago. “We now have nine yachts with them,” says Ford. “We tweaked the system. The way it is today is completely different to anybody else’s; it’s an evolution of what we wanted to do.”

Richard Ford presenting the new battery system

The Victron phosphate battery that drives inverter chargers to run a yacht is already available, but, Ford says, “we’ve had a few nuances done; it’s been customized.” He’s happy now to show it off “because it’s tried and tested.” The Victron system has been so successful in the Horizon PC models that it is now a standard power package in the PC52, PC60, PC68, and larger custom power catamaran models.

Victron phosphate batteries are used in the Horizon Powercat yachts for good reason—they are stable and safe. Many hear the word lithium and think fire because of the lithium-ion battery’s reputation in smaller electronics, such as phones, e-scooters, and the like and feel that’s the last thing any boat owner would want on board. Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries, also designated as LiFePO4 batteries, are much safer. Both batteries have similarities, but differ in performance, longevity, and chemical composition.

“LiFePO4 batteries have covalent bonds between the iron, phosphorus, and oxygen atoms in the cathode,” explains EcoFlow, a team of engineers specializing in energy solutions. “The bonds make them more stable and less prone to thermal runaway and overheating, issues that have led to lithium-ion batteries having a reputation for a higher risk of battery fires.”

system interface

Testing by the American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) also confirmed that “…when treated and installed correctly, LiFePO4 deserves a chance, and that the boat-owning end users will benefit from these products. …Also, we need to consider them not just as batteries, but as a complete system with associated technology that has the potential to vastly improve the safety of a DC power plant,” including a battery management system as noted in ABYC E-13 Standards. Battery management systems can diagnose conditions within a battery pack and make autonomous decisions to shut off batteries with hot spots or alter the load distribution so that any individual battery does not get too hot. That’s one of the primary features of the Victron Energy system.

Whether a short fishing trip or an ocean sail, reliable power is a must; however, it may not be enough. Victron believes in “optimal energy,” when an intelligent power grid can adapt to any challenges and manage the yacht’s electrical loads. PowerAssist prevents overloads by using the battery as a buffer during peak demand. The inverter/charger offers resilience when shore power or a generator experiences current fluctuation. Victron’s solar controller gets the most from solar panels. If a generator is installed, the Victron system can reduce generator use and minimize running time, perhaps allowing the owner to install a smaller generator. “Coupled with other areas of energy savings, such as propane-fueled cooking, solar-powered systems, and large alternators,” adds Ford, “the Victron/Termodinamica package goes a long way in mitigating energy consumption while making for an extremely comfortable and enjoyable cruising experience.”

advanced lithium phosphate battery package paired with a Termodinamica variable speed air conditioning system

The Horizon Powercat Victron power management system has demonstrated an 84 percent improvement in energy efficiencies while offering many convenient “smart” features such as remote monitoring and auto generator start/stop. Ford says that Horizon Powercats are now able to reduce generator size due to the efficient air-conditioning system coupled with the unique assist mode from the batteries. With such efficiency, the generator isn’t required as often, and that alone is quiet living.

-by Steve Davis


July 2, 2024 News

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