New Builds, New Sales, and New Models Galore at 2023 FLIBS

New Builds, New Sales, and New Models Galore at 2023 FLIBS

A highly successful Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show brings sales, new clients, old friends, and a hint of what’s to come.

Horizon Power Catamarans PC60 at Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show

Spanning five sun-kissed days from October 25th to 29th, the 64th annual Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show (FLIBS) boasted a diverse selection of marine toys, innovative products and technologies, and the largest display of luxury yachts and superyachts in the world. Attended by over 100,000 guests, this year’s show saw the return of all seven show locations in Fort Lauderdale – the first since 2019 – and judging by the flurry of activity at the Horizon Power Catamaran display, many of those visitors made a point to see the latest powercat offerings, including a brand-new PC52, the popular PC60 and the first of the acclaimed PC68 model, which was located offsite for private viewing.

Horizon Power Catamarans PC60 at Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show

New builds were not the only thing on clients’ mind at the show, however. Yachts available immediately as well as new products coming down the pike also garnered much attention. During the show, The Powercat Company sold the displaying PC60 Encore to first-time Horizon Power Catamaran owners in the U.S. and hinted at some exciting design news for larger powercat models coming in 2024.

Horizon Power Catamarans news Show Ready! The PC68 Omakase will showcase at FLIBS

“We are thrilled with the momentum that our new PC68 model and the newly re-designed PC60 generated at FLIBS,” says The Powercat Company Founder and CEO Richard Ford. “The enthusiasm, the interest in new models, and the relationships we forged indicates this energy will continue well into 2024. As always, we are ready and eager to see what the future holds.”

The next Horizon Power Catamaran showcase is at the 2024 Palm Beach International Show, held March 21-24th, where the first on-deck master PC68 will make her worldwide debut.

For more information or to make a reservation to visit any of the PC models on display, please call Jason Ford at 954-552-0868 or email [email protected].

November 16, 2023 News

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